A Sermon Echo from Sunday, December 29, 2019

(A “Sermon Echo” is a short reminder or elaboration of something I preached or heard on a previous Sunday.)

This morning Pastor Chelsie gave us a list of some of God’s attributes and many of us were surprised that the list included, “vulnerable.” The explanation reminded us that while we often equate vulnerability with weakness, it doesn’t really work that way. Being vulnerable means being, “open to being hurt.” You can be strong and vulnerable. Or in God’s case, he can be all-powerful and still be vulnerable. This is easier to see when one considers that Jesus was the best most perfect revelation of God. Jesus was vulnerable in multiple ways including allowing himself to be crucified.

As it relates to us, we were told that in spite of some of our own efforts to reduce vulnerability in many ways, Jesus didn’t come to eliminate vulnerability but to help us embrace it because, “love necessitates vulnerability.”

Forgiving someone makes us vulnerable to being hurt by that person again. Sharing our food with someone makes us vulnerable to hunger ourselves. Turning the other cheek makes us vulnerable to get struck on the either cheek. etc.

Ironically, we are called to follow Jesus’ example and becoming vulnerable ourselves for the express purpose of helping others who are vulnerable.

On the Fifth Day of Christmas

Today, I want to play myth buster.  I’m aware of a myth that basically says that if you follow Jesus, he will bless you in such a way that life will be comfortable, easy, and convenient.   It is certainly true that he will bless you, but not in that way!

Recall that Caesar Augustus had issued a decree that everyone had to travel to their home towns to register for a census.  Mary and Joseph got caught up in that and had to travel to Bethlehem.  Picking up the story as Luke recorded it:  “[Joseph] went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.”

Having to travel while expecting a child was not very comfortable or convenient.  Giving birth away from home (and family) was not very comfortable or convenient.  Not having a good guest room in which to stay was not very comfortable or convenient.  They didn’t have a nice baby blanket or even a crib.  That wasn’t very comfortable or convenient, either.  Mary and Joseph were flexible and resourceful and made due by wrapping the baby with strips of cloth and laying him in a feeding trough. 

As followers of Christ, I don’t think we should expect things to be any different for us.  We shouldn’t expect everything to be comfortable and convenient.   We shouldn’t be discouraged when everything doesn’t fall smoothly into place. The truth is, following Jesus will often mean life will become very inconvenient and out of our comfort zone!  Like Mary and Joseph, we should be flexible and resourceful and obediently move forward.