A Sermon Echo from Sunday, December 1, 2019

(A “Sermon Echo” is a short reminder or elaboration of something I preached or heard on a previous Sunday.)

The first five verses of the second chapter of Isaiah begins with a call to a pilgrimage of learning. The subject of the learning is described with three different terms: his ways, the law, and the word of the Lord. The purpose of this learning is not simply to have head knowledge or do well on a Bible quiz. The purpose was so that, “we may walk in his paths.” The section ends with a rephrasing of the call: “Let us walk in the light of the Lord.”

One of the characteristics of the Advent and Christmas seasons is a plethora of special lights. As a child, I was told that lights on the tree were like candles on a birthday cake for Jesus. Later I learned the tradition began as a symbol of Jesus Christ as the light of the world. This year, I suggest a new significance to all the Christmas lights you see. Let their light remind you to, “walk in the light of the Lord.”